Dopo il del 25mo del Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti nasce l’Independent Music Week in sinergia con Stage e Indies - Musicadellesfere Mag
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Independent Music Week |
FAENZA. Dopo il del 25mo del Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti nasce l’Independent Music Week in sinergia con StaGe! e Indies.
Nasce l’Independent Music Week il 2 e 3 dicembre sulla piattaforma on line
del MEI-Meeting.
Dopo il successo dei 25 anni del Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti di
Faenza, con oltre 30 mila presenze, ecco il festival indipendente di
aggiornamento professionale per tutta la filiera della musica totalmente
indipendente, emergente, esordiente e autoprodotta, realizzato con la
collaborazione del Coordinamento StaGe! e Indies.Coordinamento StaGe! e Indies
Il =========================
MEI25 – Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti di Faenza, dopo il grande
successo dell’edizione dei 25 anni, in collaborazione con il Coordinamento
StaGe! e Indies, rappresentante di tutta la filiera della musica
indipendente ed emergente, in un momento difficilissimo per tutto il settore
“indie” che sta rischiando l’emarginazione oltre che dai mercati del
digitale e dei media, praticamente tutti in mano alle multinazionali spesso
monopoliste, anche dal live e dal supporto fisico, visto che gli
indipendenti vendono il “merch” solo durante i live come i festival e i tour
che trovano anch’essi grosse difficolta’ in questa fase. Independent Music Week 22
E’ fondamentale
quindi interrogarsi e riflettere sul futuro e insieme approfondire per
trovare nuove strade, nuovi percorsi e nuove strategie per tenere viva la
produzione culturale musicale indipendente delle aziende italiane del
settore musicale, oltre a tutte le proposte che abbiamo fatto al Governo e
alla Politica nel post Covid e dopo la stagione estiva concrete e fattibili
sulle quali attendiamo risposnte concrete a tutela del Made in Italy
musicale. In questa due giorni vi sono alcuni utili suggerimenti pratici e
anche visioni e suggestioni interessanti. Non gli unici, certo, ma
certamente utili e stimolanti e certamente di rilievo. Invitiamo tutti a
partecipare e a non mancare con la propria presenza on line anche attraverso
domande ai relatori, proposte di altri incontri e interventi da inserire per
completare il quadro con altre proposte e azioni di tutela e sviluppo delle
imprese italiane del Made in Italy musicale.
Ecco il programma che trovate anche in allegato:
Venerdì 2 dicembre e Sabato 2 dicembre 2022 Aggiornamenti per la filiera
della musica indipendente on line aperto a tutti A cura del MEI25 in
collaborazione con il Coordinamento StaGe! & Indies
In un difficilissimo momento per tutta la filiera della musica indipendente
ed emergente che sta rischiando di essere emarginata dai grandi marchi
multinazionali del disco, del digitale, del live e nelle presenze sui media,
è fondamentale interrogarsi ed approfondire per troavare nuove strade e
nuove strategie. Qui vi sono alcuni utili suggerimenti pratici, Non gli
unici, ma alcuni di rilievo magari si. Vi invitiamo a partecipare
attivamente. Ecco il palinsesto della due giorni di incontri.
Venerdi 2 dicembre
Ore 11
Fabrizio Galassi. Esperto di Social Media: come usare i social media oggi
per una produzione indipendente 1. Distribuzione: come collaborare con i
distributori e il ruolo degli uffici stampa in questa collaborazione.
2. Il mechandise/digital shopping come forma rientro economico.
3. Realizzazione di playlist collaborative/private ‘ufficiali’ sul meglio
dal mondo indipendente: playlist che devono essere realmente ascoltate e
aggiornate settimanalmente.
— Collaborative: molte con dentro qualunque cosa.(vanno a stimolare
— Private: gestite da un ente ‘terzo’ e realizzate in base al genere, al
mood, etc.
4. Realizzazione di playlist collaborative/private ‘ufficiali’ sul meglio
dal mondo indipendente etc idem per YouTube.
5. Ultime Novita’// Varie ed eventuali // Domane e risposte
Ore 12
Si presenta Chosen, un nuovo modello di piattaforma per emergenti –
Intervento a cura di Lorenzo Marchetti
Ore 15
Un nuovo modello di distribuzione digitale con (R)esisto Distribuzione, il
nuovo distributore digitale del MEI, del circuito Indies e di tutto il mondo
indipendente ed emergente – Intervento di Massimiliano Lambertini
Ore 16
Un nuovo modello di booking per gli artisti indipendenti – Intervengono
Antonio Altini e Davide Motta e altri ospiti
Ore 17
“Lavoratore dello spettacolo: da emergente ad emerso”
come lavorare in regola nel settore dello spettacolo – diritti e doveri del
lavoratore – Interviene Giuliano Biasin
Ore 11
Un caso di successo dal mondo underground alla tv verso nuovi pubblici : il
Caso Martelli, quello di Bello Bello , intervento di Federico Martelli
Ore 12
Musica di Carta: Nasce una nuova rivista: Re Nudo , aperta alla musica, a
cura di Luca Pollini, giornalista e scrittore, ed esce Il primo re(p) –
Alle origini del rap italiano, un originalissimo libro di Piotta : i due
protagonisti sono intervistati da Riccardo De Stefano
Ore 15
NFT, blockchain, Web3 e musica
NFT, istruzioni per l’uso. By Onlymusix.
Powered by MEI
NFT, istruzioni per l’uso. By Onlymusix & Belladonna Dal web 1 al web3.
Quali sono le opportunità per il settore musicale? Cosa sono gli NFT, e che
proprietà hanno? Cos’è la blockchain? Onlymusix (il marketplace NFT italiano
dedicato alla
musica) e i Belladonna (i primi artisti in Italia a pubblicare un NFT
musicale) vi accompagneranno in un viaggio alla scoperta degli aspetti
tecnici e culturali di questa nuova rivoluzione musicale, illustrandone
possibilità, opportunità e vantaggi per chi fa musica e lavora con la
musica. Un approfondimento che spazierà dagli NFT, al ticketing e allo
– NFT E MUSICA – ALCUNI ESEMPI (Memorabilia, limited edition, utilities,
royalties sharing, beneficenza)
Ore 16
Si presenta Matchplat – Straegie per la promozione del prodotto musicale
indipendente italiano – Intervento a cura di Gaetano Fiorella
Sabato 3 dicembre– Ore 17
PNRR: Per il sostegno alla musica: Bandi PNRR per la Transizione Digitale
e Verde per la Musica – Intervento di Claudia Barcellona
Per ogni informazione, proposta, approfondimento, integrazione e/o altro
Giordano Sangiorgi: Massimo Della Pelle e Giuliano Biasin
Ecco i link zoom per collegarsi :
Max Della Pelle ti sta invitando a una riunione pianificata in Zoom.
Argomento: Zoom meeting invitation – Riunione Zoom
Ora: 2 dic 2022 10:30 AM Roma
Entra nella riunione in Zoom
Max Della Pelle ti sta invitando a una riunione pianificata in Zoom.
Argomento: Zoom meeting invitation – Riunione Zoom di Max Della Pelle
Ora: 3 dic 2022 10:30 AM Roma
Entra nella riunione in Zoom
Diretta su:
Siti di riferimento
Nasce l’Independent Music Week: un aggiornamento per la filiera della musica indipendente ed emergente il 2 e 3 dicembre con presentazioni, richieste, domande e risposte , appuntamento on line il 2 e 3 dicembre – MEI – Meeting degli Indipendenti
MEINews -
=========================== Independent-Music-Week-musica-emergente-MEINews - Risultati immagini per MEI-Meeting Altre immagini Meeting delle etichette indipendenti Il Meeting delle etichette indipendenti, o anche Meeting degli indipendenti, è una manifestazione musicale che si svolge ogni anno nell'ultimo fine settimana di settembre a Faenza e che raduna le principali produzioni discografiche indipendenti ed emergenti italiane. Wikipedia Fondato da: Giordano Sangiorgi Luogo: Faenza Organizzazione: Materiali Musicali, Audiocoop MILANO MUSIC WEEK 2022: TORNA A MILANO DAL 21 AL ... fimi. it › news › ... Eccezionale apertura in musica ... che in occasione della
WOMEN x PUBLISHING Autrici, cantautrici e produttrici nel mercato editoriale
ospiti Ditonellapiaga, HU, VV e Claudia Franchini
Milano Music Week e della loro nuova release mondiale The Independent Music Week is born on December 2 and 3 on the online platform of the MEI. After the success of 25 years of the Meeting of Independent Labels of Faenza, with over 30,000 admissions, here is the independent festival of professional update for the entire music chain totally independent, emerging, newcomer and self-produced, made with the collaboration with the StaGe Coordination! and Indies. The MEI25 – Meeting of Independent Labels of Faenza, after the big one success of the 25-year edition, in collaboration with the Coordination StaGe! and Indies, representative of the entire music chain independent and emerging, in a very difficult moment for the whole sector "indie" that is risking marginalization as well as from the markets of digital and media, practically all in the hands of multinationals often monopolists, even from live and physical support, given that the independents only sell “merch” during live events such as festivals and tours who also find great difficulties in this phase. Is critical therefore question and reflect on the future and together deepen for find new roads, new paths and new strategies to keep life alive independent cultural musical production of Italian companies of music sector, in addition to all the proposals we have made to the Government and to Politics in the post Covid and after the concrete and feasible summer season on which we await concrete answers to protect Made in Italy musical. In this two days there are some useful and practical suggestions also interesting visions and suggestions. Not the only ones, of course, but certainly useful and inspiring and certainly relevant. We invite everyone to participate and not miss with your online presence also through questions to the speakers, proposals for other meetings and interventions to be included for complete the picture with other proposals and actions for the protection and development of Italian companies of musical Made in Italy. Here is the program which you will also find attached: INDEPENDENT MUSIC WEEK Friday 2 December and Saturday 2 December 2022 Updates for the supply chain independent online music open to all Organized by MEI25 in collaboration with the StaGe Coordination! & Indies In a very difficult moment for the entire independent music chain and emerging market that is in danger of being marginalized by the big brands record, digital, live and media presence multinationals, it is essential to question and deepen to find new ways and new strategies. Here are some handy practical tips, don't unique, but maybe some important ones. We invite you to participate actively. Here is the schedule for the two days of meetings. Friday 2nd December 11 o'clock Fabrizio Galassi. Social Media Expert: How to use social media today for an independent production 1. Distribution: how to collaborate with i distributors and the role of the press offices in this collaboration. 2. Merchandise/digital shopping as a form of economic return. 3. Creation of 'official' collaborative/private playlists on the best from the indie world: playlists that really need to be heard e updated weekly. — Collaborative: many with anything inside. (they go to stimulate the algorithm) — Private: managed by a 'third party' body and created on the basis of gender, al moods, etc. 4. Creation of 'official' collaborative/private playlists on the best from the independent world etc ditto for YouTube. 5. Latest News // Miscellaneous // Questions and answers 12 o'clock Chosen is presented, a new platform model for emerging – Intervention by Lorenzo Marchetti 3 pm A new digital distribution model with (R)esito Distribuzione, the new digital distributor of the MEI, the Indies circuit and all over the world independent and emerging – Speech by Massimiliano Lambertini 4 pm A new booking model for independent artists – They intervene Antonio Altini and Davide Motta and other guests 5 pm "Entertainment worker: from emerging to emerged" how to work legally in the entertainment sector – rights and duties of worker – Giuliano Biasin intervenes SATURDAY DECEMBER 3rd 11 o'clock A successful case from the underground world to TV towards new audiences: the Martelli case, that of Bello Bello, intervention by Federico Martelli 12 o'clock Musica di Carta: A new magazine is born: Re Nudo, open to music, a edited by Luca Pollini, journalist and writer, and Il primo re(p) comes out – At the origins of Italian rap, a very original book by Piotta: the two protagonists are interviewed by Riccardo De Stefano 3 pm NFT, blockchain, Web3 and music NFT, instructions for use. By Onlymusix. Powered by MEI NFT, instructions for use. By Onlymusix & Belladonna From web 1 to web3. What are the opportunities for the music sector? What are NFTs, and what properties have? What is Blockchain? Onlymusix (the marketplace ============== The Independent Music Week is born on December 2 and 3 on the online platform of the MEI. After the success of 25 years of the Meeting of Independent Labels of Faenza, with over 30,000 admissions, here is the independent festival of professional update for the entire music chain totally independent, emerging, newcomer and self-produced, made with the collaboration with the StaGe Coordination! and Indies. The MEI25 – Meeting of Independent Labels of Faenza, after the big one success of the 25-year edition, in collaboration with the Coordination StaGe! and Indies, representative of the entire music chain independent and emerging, in a very difficult moment for the whole sector "indie" that is risking marginalization as well as from the markets of digital and media, practically all in the hands of multinationals often monopolists, even from live and physical support, given that the independents only sell “merch” during live events such as festivals and tours who also find great difficulties in this phase. Is critical therefore question and reflect on the future and together deepen for find new roads, new paths and new strategies to keep life alive independent cultural musical production of Italian companies of music sector, in addition to all the proposals we have made to the Government and to Politics in the post Covid and after the concrete and feasible summer season on which we await concrete answers to protect Made in Italy musical. In this two days there are some useful and practical suggestions also interesting visions and suggestions. Not the only ones, of course, but certainly useful and inspiring and certainly relevant. We invite everyone to participate and not miss with your online presence also through questions to the speakers, proposals for other meetings and interventions to be included for complete the picture with other proposals and actions for the protection and development of Italian companies of musical Made in Italy. Here is the program which you will also find attached: INDEPENDENT MUSIC WEEK Friday 2 December and Saturday 2 December 2022 Updates for the supply chain independent online music open to all Organized by MEI25 in collaboration with the StaGe Coordination! & Indies In a very difficult moment for the entire independent music chain and emerging market that is in danger of being marginalized by the big brands record, digital, live and media presence multinationals, it is essential to question and deepen to find new ways and new strategies. Here are some handy practical tips, don't unique, but maybe some important ones. We invite you to participate actively. Here is the schedule for the two days of meetings. Friday 2nd December 11 o'clock Fabrizio Galassi. Social Media Expert: How to use social media today for an independent production 1. Distribution: how to collaborate with i distributors and the role of the press offices in this collaboration. 2. Merchandise/digital shopping as a form of economic return. 3. Creation of 'official' collaborative/private playlists on the best from the indie world: playlists that really need to be heard e updated weekly. — Collaborative: many with anything inside. (they go to stimulate the algorithm) — Private: managed by a 'third party' body and created on the basis of gender, al moods, etc. 4. Creation of 'official' collaborative/private playlists on the best from the independent world etc ditto for YouTube. 5. Latest News // Miscellaneous // Questions and answers 12 o'clock Chosen is presented, a new platform model for emerging – Intervention by Lorenzo Marchetti 3 pm A new digital distribution model with (R)esito Distribuzione, the new digital distributor of the MEI, the Indies circuit and all over the world independent and emerging – Speech by Massimiliano Lambertini 4 pm A new booking model for independent artists – They intervene Antonio Altini and Davide Motta and other guests 5 pm "Entertainment worker: from emerging to emerged" how to work legally in the entertainment sector – rights and duties of worker – Giuliano Biasin intervenes SATURDAY DECEMBER 3rd 11 o'clock A successful case from the underground world to TV towards new audiences: the Martelli case, that of Bello Bello, intervention by Federico Martelli 12 o'clock Musica di Carta: A new magazine is born: Re Nudo, open to music, a edited by Luca Pollini, journalist and writer, and Il primo re(p) comes out – At the origins of Italian rap, a very original book by Piotta: the two protagonists are interviewed by Riccardo De Stefano 3 pm NFT, blockchain, Web3 and music NFT, instructions for use. By Onlymusix. Powered by MEI NFT, instructions for use. By Onlymusix & Belladonna From web 1 to web3. What are the opportunities for the music sector? What are NFTs, and what properties have? What is Blockchain? Onlymusix (the marketplace ======== La semaine de la musique indépendante voit le jour les 2 et 3 décembre sur la plateforme en ligne du MEI. Après le succès de 25 ans des Rencontres des Labels Indépendants de Faenza, avec plus de 30 000 entrées, voici le festival indépendant de mise à jour professionnelle pour toute la chaîne musicale totalement indépendant, émergent, nouveau venu et autoproduit, fait avec le collaboration avec la Coordination StaGe ! et des Indes. Le MEI25 – Rencontre des Labels Indépendants de Faenza, après le grand succès de l'édition des 25 ans, en collaboration avec la Coordination Organiser! et Indies, représentant de toute la chaîne musicale indépendant et émergent, dans un moment très difficile pour l'ensemble du secteur "indie" qui risque d'être marginalisé ainsi que des marchés de le numérique et les médias, pratiquement tous entre les mains de multinationales souvent monopoleurs, même d'un support direct et physique, étant donné que le les indépendants ne vendent du "merch" que lors d'événements en direct tels que des festivals et des tournées qui rencontrent également de grandes difficultés dans cette phase. Est critique donc questionner et réfléchir sur l'avenir et approfondir ensemble pour trouver de nouvelles routes, de nouveaux chemins et de nouvelles stratégies pour garder la vie en vie production musicale culturelle indépendante de compagnies italiennes de secteur de la musique, en plus de toutes les propositions que nous avons faites au gouvernement et à la politique dans l'après Covid et après la saison estivale concrète et réalisable sur lesquels nous attendons des réponses concrètes pour protéger le Made in Italy musical. Dans ces deux jours, il y a quelques conseils utiles et pratiques également des visions et des suggestions intéressantes. Pas les seuls, bien sûr, mais certainement utile et inspirant et certainement pertinent. Nous invitons tout le monde à participez et ne manquez pas votre présence en ligne également à travers questions aux orateurs, propositions d'autres rencontres et interventions à inclure pour compléter le tableau avec d'autres propositions et actions pour la protection et le développement de Entreprises italiennes de musique Made in Italy. Voici le programme que vous trouverez également en pièce jointe : SEMAINE DE LA MUSIQUE INDÉPENDANTE Vendredi 2 décembre et samedi 2 décembre 2022 Mises à jour pour la chaîne d'approvisionnement musique en ligne indépendante ouverte à tous Organisé par MEI25 en collaboration avec la Coordination StaGe ! & Indes Dans un moment très difficile pour toute la chaîne musicale indépendante et marché émergent qui risque d'être marginalisé par les grandes marques multinationales du disque, du numérique, du live et de la présence médiatique, il est essentiel de se questionner et d'approfondir pour trouver de nouvelles voies et nouvelles stratégies. Voici quelques conseils pratiques pratiques, ne uniques, mais peut-être quelques-uns importants. Nous vous invitons à participer activement. Voici le programme des deux jours de réunions. vendredi 2 décembre 11 heures Fabrice Galassi. Expert en médias sociaux : comment utiliser les médias sociaux aujourd'hui pour une production indépendante 1. Distribution : comment collaborer avec i distributeurs et le rôle des bureaux de presse dans cette collaboration. 2. Marchandise/achat numérique comme forme de retour économique. 3. Création de playlists collaboratives/privées "officielles" sur les meilleurs du monde indépendant : des listes de lecture qui ont vraiment besoin d'être entendues e mise à jour hebdomadaire. — Collaboratif : beaucoup avec n'importe quoi à l'intérieur (ils vont stimuler l'algorithme) — Privé : géré par un organisme « tiers » et créé sur la base du genre, al humeurs, etc... 4. Création de playlists collaboratives/privées "officielles" sur les meilleurs du monde indépendant etc idem pour YouTube. 5. Dernières nouvelles // Divers // Questions et réponses 12 heure Choisi est présenté, un nouveau modèle de plate-forme pour les – Intervention de Lorenzo Marchetti 15h Un nouveau modèle de distribution numérique avec (R)esito Distribuzione, le nouveau distributeur numérique de l'IEDM, du circuit des Indes et du monde entier indépendant et émergent – Discours de Massimiliano Lambertini 16h Un nouveau modèle de booking pour les artistes indépendants – Ils interviennent Antonio Altini et Davide Motta et autres invités 17h « Travailleur du spectacle : d'émergent à émergé » comment travailler légalement dans le secteur du divertissement – droits et devoirs des travailleur – Giuliano Biasin intervient SAMEDI 3 DECEMBRE 11 heures Un cas réussi du monde underground à la télé vers de nouveaux publics : le Affaire Martelli, celle de Bello Bello, intervention de Federico Martelli 12 heure Musica di Carta : Un nouveau magazine est né : Re Nudo, ouvert à la musique, un édité par Luca Pollini, journaliste et écrivain, et Il primo re(p) sort – Aux origines du rap italien, un livre très original de Piotta : les deux les protagonistes sont interviewés par Riccardo De Stefano 15h NFT, blockchain, Web3 et musique NFT, mode d'emploi. Par Onlymusix. Propulsé par MEI NFT, mode d'emploi. Par Onlymusix & Belladonna Du web 1 au web3. Quelles sont les opportunités pour le secteur de la musique ? Qu'est-ce que les NFT et qu'est-ce que propriétés ont? Qu'est-ce que la blockchain ? Onlymusix (la place de marché ============= Dopo il del 25mo del Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti nasce l’Independent Music Week in sinergia con Stage e Indies - Musicadellesfere Mag Dopo-25mo-Meeting-delle-Etichette-Indipendenti-Independent-Music-Week-sinergia-StaGe-Indies-Musicadellesfere === Labels: MEI-Meeting, musica-delle-sfere, Musicadellesfere, MusicaLive, MusicaSfere, StorieDiMusica Location: 48018 Faenza RA, Italia FrancescoBonazziBonazeta MusicaDelleSfere Mag - Dopo il del 25mo del Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti nasce l’Independent Music Week in sinergia con Stage e Indies - - Posted by Francesco Bonazzi Bonazeta Musicadellesfere ======
MusicaDelleSfere Mag - Dopo il del 25mo del Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti nasce l’Independent Music Week in sinergia con Stage e Indies -